All Members must support the Kingdom and the Mission of the Hebrew Christian
Fill out and return the following information:
I have received Yeshua the Messiah as my personal Savior and Lord, and desire to become an active member and support the ministries of Glorious Church of Yeshua Spirit and Truth Ministry. Therefore, I hereby apply for membership.
First & Last Name: _____________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________
Home Phone: ____________ Work Phone*: ______________ Cell Phone*: _____________________
Address: ________________________________ City: ______________________
PC: ______________
E-Mail*: __________________________ Occupation: ______________________________________
Marital Status: □ Single □ Married □ Divorced □ Widowed □ Remarried
Church previously attended (name of church & city/state): __________________________________
*If available and applicable.
Family Members in Your Current
Please write out your personal testimony of how you came to The Messiah on page 3.
Have you been baptized (date)? _______________ If not, do you wish to be? □ Yes □ No
What way(s) do you desire to serve within our church family (based on your interests, abilities, gifts, and time)?
Have you attended all 2 sessions of the “New Members Orientation” Class?
□ Yes □ No □ I have attended ____ of the 2 classes □ I am willing to participate in these classes in the future.
Note: Although these 2 classes are not a requirement for membership, participation in this 4-week class will be very beneficial to your spiritual health and your participation within our church family.
I have accessed ( copies of the Statement of Faith and am in full agreement with them in both word and spirit. As a member of this church, I will abide by these documents, and seek to fulfill the membership responsibilities to the best of my ability and will endeavor to fulfill my responsibilities to the Lord and to His work.
Signature _________________________________________________ Date ______________
Please return this completed form to one of the Pastors or Email it to Within 3-5 days you will be contacted by the Administrative Pastor who will set up an interview to hear your testimony (i.e. personal story) of how you came to put your personal faith in The Messiah. Following the successful completion of this interview you will be received into membership at the next scheduled service.
Note: Please submit a separate Membership Application form for each individual applying for membership. The Administrative Pastor will contact you to arrange a time for a membership interview either by phone or in person.
Please return this completed page with your membership information from the previous page.
Personal Testimony of: ____________________________________________
When and how did you come to know the Messiah The Lord as your Savior?
Office Use Only
Interview by Administrative Pastor ____/____/____
Administrative Pastor Recommendation:
Received into Membership ____/____/____
Church Membership Verification Form
For Members & Regular Attendees
To be Completed by Church Member/Regular Attendee (Print Clearly in
NAME: __________________________________________________________ DOB: _________________ DATE: _______________
HOME ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
EMAIL: _______________________________ HOME PHONE: _____________________
MOBILE PHONE: _______________________ WORK PHONE: _______________ EXT: _______
Hebrew Christian Society Membership Form
If you would like to become a member of the Society, please print out and post this form to us.
I would like to become a member of the Hebrew Christian Preservation Society
Life Member $500 (a one-off fee)
Member $50 (per annum)
I would like to make a donation to the Hebrew Christian Preservation Society of $________
Enclosed is my cheque for $________ made out to "Hebrew Christian Preservation Society" Check here if you would like a receipt
Postal Address:
Phone (daytime):
Phone (evening):
Connection to Church:
Send payment to:
Glorious Church of Jesus Spirit and Truth Ministry
1913 North Battery Drive Richmond Virginia 23222
Pastor Conference Call
Eastern Time Zone (7:00pm till)
Dial-in Number: (267)807-9601 --Access Code: 712-527-218